The One That Got Away
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Monday, August 03, 2020
By Michelle Daniel


This image was taken over 12 years ago and was a pivotal moment in my development as a photographer.


I'd met my clients at a farm and my little three-year-old subject was delighted by the animals, especially the geese. As you can see in the photo he is running over to one and I was anticipating the goose flapping away and him laughing. I positioned myself back from the action so I wouldn't miss the moment and waited. Alas, instead of moving away from its tiny pursuer, the goose started chasing the little boy. The look on his face as the goose honked away behind him was a perfect moment for a photographer but instead of capturing it, my Mom instincts took over; I quit shooting and ran towards goose.


Jack was never in any danger. His Mom was just out of the shot, closer to him than I was, and had everything under control. But I'd grown-up with pet geese named Ding and Dong on our farm and one of them, I could never tell them apart, literally goosed me once, biting me on the backside hard enough to leave a bruise. Maybe it was that memory that spurred me into action but whatever it was, I missed a good photo and I've regretted it ever since.

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